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Keep your house lively and dazzling while cleaning for the holidays.

The Christmas season offers little to be desired, with bright lights, illuminated streets, and the sound of crackers breaking. India celebrates holidays like no other country.

How to keep your house lively and dazzling

The Christmas season offers little to be desired, with bright lights, illuminated streets, and the sound of crackers breaking. India celebrates holidays like no other country. However, in Dubai, like in India, we value each festival season. These are the few days of the year when the emphasis is on celebrating with family and friends and having a wonderful time with the people you care about. So it's certain that a few relatives or friends will pay you a visit, and it's critical that your home is spotless throughout that time. Furthermore, this is the period when Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha bestow their blessings of good health and prosperity on your house.

Kitchens that had been cleaned

Starting with the most important room in the house, the kitchen, cleaning it will need some extra effort. Everyone congregates in the kitchen, and this is where you'll be whipping up delectable holiday delicacies. Begin by discarding any components that have passed their expiration date. Then donate any ingredients you don't use. Use a solution of warm water and mild dish soap to clean the shelves. With a clean cloth, wipe away the residue.

Spray drawers with a glass cleaner and thoroughly clean or replace drawer liners. Spices and ingredients should be labeled to make the kitchen more organized and accessible. Novelty cooking tools and items that are rarely used should be kept in the back of the cupboards. To arrange cups, cutlery, and other utensils, use hooks, racks, and organizers. Finally, clean the refrigerator with a vinegar solution that has been diluted.


Living Rooms with a Sparkle

The living room is the house's most visible and often utilized space. It has a propensity to build dust if not cleaned every day, making cleaning it once a year during the festive season a difficult process. Begin by disposing out outdated objects that are no longer in use or reserving a storage area for them. Books and toys should be stored in their designated areas, and old newspapers should be discarded.

Then proceed to the room's tapestries: unhook the curtains and wash them, vacuum the tops of the sofa, and clean the windows. Scrub the filth off the coffee tables, TV, and shelves using the same warm water and mild dish soap solution.Dust the ceiling fans and clean the AC filters thoroughly. Depending on the material, decor pieces can be lightly vacuumed, rubbed down, or cleaned.


Bedrooms are a haven of rest.

Moving on to the bedroom, as this is your own refuge, it is critical that it be the cleanest of them all. Cleaning your bedroom may appear to be an impossible undertaking, but it can simply be accomplished by breaking it down into smaller parts. Put your bedding, linens, and curtains in the washer with the curtains from the living room. Using a sanitizer or a diluted vinegar solution, disinfect all surfaces. Using a soft cloth and glass cleaner, clean any glass surfaces.Remember to air out your mattresses and wash your pillows.

Cabinets, racks, and boxes may help you organize your closet. Keep camphor or naphthalene balls in the closet to keep annoying insects away.

Put on some good music and enjoy the festive decorating process once you've finished cleaning your house from top to bottom! Treat this as a time for family connection, bringing happiness and health to everyone. The leading interior designers in Dubai, WhiteMonde Interiors, send warm holiday greetings to everyone!

